March 13, 2007

So I was able to do some pretty cool things with the SDR-1000 today.. I finally got tuning implemented which gives it a much more interactive feel. (I no longer have to hook it up to PowerSDR on another computer to move around the bands!) The S-Meter just pegs either high or low so it’s pretty useless at the moment. But to see a video of it in action take a look at this.


Scope now working on Mac OSX with DttSP v2 and Jack.

March 6, 2007

jSDR running on Mac OSXA little scope demo receiving data from DttSP connected to my SDR with Usb->Parallel cable.

Test console running on Mac OSX with Jack and DttSP v2

Finallly! SDR Usb on Mac OSX works.

March 5, 2007

There seems to be some serious threading issues with libusb compiled with default ./configure on OSX 10.4. After 4 or 5 hours of debugging through Darwin.c in libusb I came across some posts referring to a precompiled binary at This seems to resolve all the issues.. I’ll eventually take a look at the source they use to compile but the issue is around line 841 in darwin.c. Anyways, control of the radio now seems to work and whipped up a quick scope display.

SDR on Mac OS X, DttSP

Now I need to abstract the interface to the sdr controller and put the DttSP FIFO readers in their own threads.

SDR-Shell *almost* on Windows XP and OS X

March 3, 2007

SDR-Shell port to windows

As I was planning on writing a multi-platform front-end for the SDR-1000 and DttSP2 I decided to attempt in porting sdr-shell to windows. (I already had it working under X11 Mac OSX, not native). Everything seems to work except the drawing methods for the two custom drawn widgets. I haven’t really given a serious attempt to debugging it, but I’m guessing it has to do with QT4’s new double buffering clobbering the result painted before the buffered image is rendered. Though it is encouraging that QT is ported so easily to windows.

Edit: Mind you, at the same time I ported Sdr-shell from QT3 to QT4.

Edit 2: For fun tried a build on Mac.. compiled first time but has even more rendering problems.
SDR-Shell running on OSX natively with QT4

Got SDR-Shell and jSDR to run.

March 1, 2007

Quick update on my progress to get my SDR working on the mac. I had to set up the default sound card in the mac as an aggregate device since the mac’s default input/output is half-duplex. Jack then worked fine in routing so far as I could tell. For some reason I’m still not receiving anything in my sdr-core which will require further investigation.

Had to setup X11/QT3 to get SDR-Shell running but that was a breeze.

SDR-Shell on OSX

You may notice in the picture it says it couldn’t find the enviornment variables for the sdr FIFO IPC.. but I fixed that after I noticed it and still nothing.

Compiling DttSP on Mac OSX.

February 28, 2007

I purchased a Mac Mini recently and figured it would be the perfect machine to hook up to my long silent Flex-Radio and would let me dive into development on the OSX for the first time. I’ll detail the process I followed to get everything compiled.. running later.

First we need to satisfy the pre-reqs required by sdr-main. Install MacPorts (formerly DarwinPorts) and install fftw3f. To do this you need to navigate to the bin directory of the ports (on my machine it was /opt/local/bin) and issue the command:

#/opt/local/bin $ sudo ./port install fftw-3-single

Make sure it is fftw-3-single, for if you neglect the “-single” it won’t install the libfftwf.* libraries. This install can take a while and appear frozen but be patient.

Next you need to install Jacks which is trivial for OSX as there is a nice GUI installer already built for you. Their homepage is (for those wanting a direct link use (possibly out of date)this.).

Now we need a working directory to compile so pull the latest source tip from svn://

Navigate into the source directory and use ./configure to create the proper Makefile.

./configure --prefix=/Users/johnbradley/sdr/sdr-core/

The prefix is one directory level up from the source directory since I want all the binaries to go in ../bin

Then simple make and install the sdr-dttsp:

make && make install