Compiling DttSP on Mac OSX.

I purchased a Mac Mini recently and figured it would be the perfect machine to hook up to my long silent Flex-Radio and would let me dive into development on the OSX for the first time. I’ll detail the process I followed to get everything compiled.. running later.

First we need to satisfy the pre-reqs required by sdr-main. Install MacPorts (formerly DarwinPorts) and install fftw3f. To do this you need to navigate to the bin directory of the ports (on my machine it was /opt/local/bin) and issue the command:

#/opt/local/bin $ sudo ./port install fftw-3-single

Make sure it is fftw-3-single, for if you neglect the “-single” it won’t install the libfftwf.* libraries. This install can take a while and appear frozen but be patient.

Next you need to install Jacks which is trivial for OSX as there is a nice GUI installer already built for you. Their homepage is (for those wanting a direct link use (possibly out of date)this.).

Now we need a working directory to compile so pull the latest source tip from svn://

Navigate into the source directory and use ./configure to create the proper Makefile.

./configure --prefix=/Users/johnbradley/sdr/sdr-core/

The prefix is one directory level up from the source directory since I want all the binaries to go in ../bin

Then simple make and install the sdr-dttsp:

make && make install

3 Responses to Compiling DttSP on Mac OSX.

  1. MacMania says:

    Hi, I have dports, installed fftw-3-single, got the source but compile always returns checking for fftwf_execute in -lfftw3f… no
    configure: error: “Could not find library fftw3f.”

    Any ideas?

  2. John says:

    I’m not sure where dports defaults the libraries, but did you try explicitly supplying the /location/of/libfftw3f during the make? I know MacPorts is /opt/local/lib, dports might be different.

  3. thomas says:

    found this about that issue:
    export LDFLAGS=”${LDFLAGS} -L/path/to/fftw/lib”
    export CFLAGS=”${CFLAGS} -I/path/to/fftw/include”

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