
So, everyone in class P is jealous of my bento I get every morning.  I can see the gleem in their eyes.   Anyways, I watched a drama with my host sister last night called 花嫁のパパ.  (Bride’s Father.. or Father of the Bride?) It featured all the good traits of a drama including overdramatic flashbacks with the music that screams.. well.. OVERDRAMATIC FLASHBACK OCCURING.  It featured Koizumi’s son as the main owner guy of a fashion industry.  It’s about some girl who just began work at said fashion business.  Anyways, her dad is “きびしい” (which my host sister repeated about 10 times.. so I guess he really is strict) so he won’t allow her any freedom in her social life etc etc.  Then he asks her if she wants to play catch (cause he is lonely? trying to revive the relationship he had with his daughter in the past?), and the music played (THAT music) which is the universal sign of “This event will be turned around sometime within this episode”.  And what do you know, she finds a lonely kid at one of the parties hosted for fashion stuff and he is all lonely because, yep, his dad won’t play baseball with him.  SO WHAT DOES SHE DO? Oh yeahhh, in her fancy new dress and the kid (who is supposed to be showing off a new line of clothes) go get dirty playing baseball.  Normal fall out occurs, she gets lectured, she starts moralizing the dad who wouldn’t play baseball.. realized her position as a lower employee half way through spiel.  She gets lectured.  Dad arrives.. (wtf?) … lectures the guy as well… realizes he is talking to her superior… shuts up.. etc..

Then maybe he sent a resignation letter for his daughter? Or something?

I didn’t catch the last part.  The she was like.. I’m going to get married.  The dad was all.. No.


Anyways, I really like my class so far.  All the teachers have been really nice as well.  I only remember Nagaki-sensei’s off hand.

I think a russian student and I will go get our cell’s on thursday after we get our temp alien card and national health insurance.  Besides that.. nothing has really transpired in the 2 days of classes that I’ve had.

Anyways, time for breakfast.  Ciao!  (I didn’t reread what I wrote so expect mistakes.)

7 Responses to Obento

  1. Penny4em says:

    You’re alive. Hallelujah! You’re in the class above me so does that mean you’re also in Aoi Hall? I’ll have to keep my eye out for you.

    That sounds like a true Japanese dorama. Any truer and the hero and/or heroin would’ve died unneccessarily at the end and the father would have had a monologue while the credits rolled about rectifying his mistakes, his daughter’s legacy, the price of salmon, yaddayaddayadda.

    Are you getting your Alient Reg Card on Thursday? If so we’re in the same group. I’m also gonna get a temporary one so I can get a mobile and set up a bank account.

    P.S. I’m jealous of your bento too!

  2. kgb says:

    Hey John, Thanks for the drama update I haven’t convinced your Dad to watch any Japanese TV as of yet. We are still in catch up mode. We are looking forward to going to Colorado on Thursday. Papa and Zhenya both enjoyed the super ball story. Can’t wait for the next dorama installment. (wink wink nudge nudge.

  3. Sistah says:

    Don’t forget about all the wonderful Korean dramas! I miss being in a beautiful place for a very very long time heheh. Have you asked your host family if they have seen Love Complex yet? Anyway getting ready to go to bed. House was really good tonight by the way, might want to download it! Ciao fer now!

  4. Erin says:

    She’s right, you want to download House.

    And you need to get an address so we can write you your lovely postcards we found in Oklahoma. Yes, we drove through Oklahoma to get to Colorado, the navigation system is really smart like that.

    I think it’s awesome you get a bento every day. Jo and I are really interested in what you eat over there. We want food details.


  5. kgb says:

    How did you get that Indian on horse back on your blog without a cable. It;s a miracle. heh heh. Dad and I enjoyed the late night video chat. Now it’s time for some black amber. Sadly no toroids of ecstasy. -mom

    Do they have TOEs in Japan? – dad

  6. Sistah says:

    An Indian mom?! Seriously! He is in Japan! I dont think they have Indians ahem Native Americans.

  7. kgb says:

    Ok so I am really impressed that you managed to get a picture on your blog without the right cable however a picture is not really worth a thousand words. No no no no yes but really no, not so much : )

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